Do you ever talk yourself out of something that you really want, especially if it’s a chunk of change?
I excel at it.
I find myself wanting something. A LOT.
I look at whatever it is that I desire, in this case studying with a particular teacher. To the point that I kinda obsess about it.
I read her course description several times and check out her website. I consider whether or not it is really a good fit.
Sometimes I even write a list of pros and cons.
It’s the APPLY LOGIC SYNDROME. (See blog post on that.)
But deep down I know intuitively what I want, even if it doesn’t make sense.
I still doubt myself.
I try to talk myself out of my desire.
With frequency I successfully convince myself NOT to do something, especially if it involves moola or traveling super far.
I grew up with penny-pinching parents. (Hi, mom & dad!) It was almost sinful to spend money on ANYTHING unless it was necessary. And necessary meant car repairs, secondhand clothes, medical bills, or what have you. It did not mean spending money on something that would bring you joy, unless it was a small amount of money or maybe if it was your birthday.
This limited thinking has gotten in my way. A LOT.
I can’t possibly get what I want.
I should be frugal.
I should consider all the other things that are more important, more pressing (read: not the stuff that thrills me).
So I get to this state of talking myself out of something that I desire (sometimes) and I have to stop myself and listen.
I ask myself a few questions & listen for how my body feels (not my mind because my mind is so clueless and often controlling):
- How much do I really want this thing?
- How would I feel if I didn’t do this thing that I desire?
- What does my intuition say on this matter?
- Can I wait? Or does it feel like now is the time to pursue my wishes?
Usually these questions bring me clarity more quickly and I make my choice. And I feel good with my choice. No feelings of deprivation.
And just in case you are wondering, I did sign up for the course with the fab teacher. So glad I did! It is catalyzing me into a new stratosphere. No need for seat belts.
Take off!
Now it’s your turn.
Do you ever talk yourself out of a desire? How do you handle it?
Janelle Maguire says
WOOHOO! You said YES! Oh man, I have totally fallen victim to the back-and-forth dance of Apply Logic Syndrome. I too come from a penny-pinching background and have been working the past few years to change my consciousness to one of wealth and authenticity. One thing I have learned is that saying YES, 100% all-in with both feet to what I truly want, even if it is a big chunk of change, clears up SO much energy and allows me to move forward to make it (or allow it to) happen. Being in the throes of indecision and wishing is a huge energy suck. Thank you for sharing on this important topic!
Rachel Boucher says
Love the image of 100% jumping in with both feet. 🙂