Can you believe we are almost finished with another decade? It feels like 2000 was just around the corner. People were freaking out about the year 2K computer change. And Prince’s lyrics “party like it’s 1999” was on the airwaves. It doesn’t seem that long ago and yet we are fast approaching 2020. Wow!
At the end of each year, I like to review what happened during those days and acknowledge how much I’ve accomplished. Often I think I haven’t done enough until I write things on paper.
First I start with the question:
What did I accomplish this year?
And I make it a point to come up with a list of 100+ accomplishments so that I have to dig deeper.
If I’m up for a challenge, I ask myself:
What am I grateful for?
Then I create a list of 100 things I am grateful for over the past year. This has me feeling blessed and fills me with deep gratitude.
Later, I usually do another round of writing where I ask myself:
What do I desire for the New Year?
And I write as much as I want, letting myself dream and imagine possibilities.
Since this is not just the end of another year, but also the culmination of a decade, I plan to compose an extra list of what I accomplished during this busy decade. Examples include:
- Teaching thousands of lessons
- Writing poetry
- Instructing hundreds of people
- Spending time with friends & family
- Traveling to beautiful spots
- Attending meditation & yoga classes
- Cooking meals even when I don’t want to
- Cleaning the house over & over again
- Grocery shopping even though I don’t care for it
- Saying goodbye to a dear friend with cancer
- Taking thousands of photographs
And that’s just what comes to mind easily.
What about you? Do you want to do a year in review? Or maybe a decade in review? Feel free to take my ideas and play with them.
Celebrate yourself and you’ll find more wonderful moments cropping up in your life.
“New Year’s Day. A fresh start. A new chapter in life waiting to be written. New questions to be asked, embraced, and loved. Answers to be discovered and then lived in this transformative year of delight and self-discovery. Today carve out a quiet interlude for yourself in which to dream, pen in hand. Only dreams give birth to change.”
~ Sarah Ban Breathnach